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目的混合STR图谱的分析是法医遗传学领域的一个难题。目前国内大多数法医DNA实验室依靠人工方法分析混合STR图谱,费时费力,且拆分效果也多有主观性,难以满足日益增长的混合STR图谱分析的需求。本文介绍一套自主研发的混合STR图谱分析系统——SMART(STR Mixture Analysis and Resolution Tools),其能够实现对混合STR图谱的自动化分析,包括拆分混合STR图谱和计算似然比。方法SMART使用的STR峰高的概率模型,考虑了影子峰、降解、基因座特异性扩增效率、峰高变异、插入峰、峰丢失等因素。模型通过比较各个基因型集合拟合当前混合STR图谱的似然值大小来推断最有可能的基因型集合,采用了马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)算法进行求解。结果SMART可应用于不同试剂盒和遗传分析仪产生的数据。经使用ABI-3500XL遗传分析仪和Global Filer试剂盒测试,SMART能够实现对2~5人的混合STR图谱的分析,输出包括混合比例、混合图谱质量、各个贡献者单人的STR基因分型、似然比等多项结果。结论SMART作为一款自主研发的混合STR图谱分析系统,其基本涵盖了国外同类分析系统所具有的功能,技术性能指标达到国际先进水平,能够满足一线法医工作者对于混合STR图谱分析的多样化需求,提高混合STR图谱结果的利用率。  相似文献   
具有担保功能的权利,并非都是担保物权。如果一项权利既不符合担保物权的特征,亦有违物权法的基本原则,就不属于担保物权。对比浮动抵押与担保物权的特征可以发现,浮动抵押有担保功能但并非担保物权。在民法典编纂背景下,宜将浮动抵押从担保物权体系剔除。考察比较法资料,结合“charge”的词源语义,遵循语言翻译的忠实严谨原则,宜将“floating charge”译为“浮动担保”而非“浮动抵押”。至于浮动担保何去何从,相对合理的方案是将其嵌入合同法域,规定于我国民法典合同编之“合同的担保”章节,以此彰显民法典的体系性与逻辑性。  相似文献   
日本和韩国均由专利复审委员会来判断第三人实施的技术方案是否落入涉案专利权的保护范围,即日本的专利侵权判定制度和韩国的专利权范围行政确认制度。日本的制度实际上是行政机关鉴定制度,其处理的案件数量不多,因此有效性遭到质疑。在韩国的制度下,行政确认的结果具有法律效力,却因此被指责与侵权诉讼重复且两种程序的法律关系模糊。两国制度的共同优势在于可实现专利侵权纠纷数量控制、具有专业性和公正性以及提供不侵权的确认程序等,因此属于行政机关实施的灵活的侵权纠纷解决或侵权判断机制。对日韩两国的比较研究可对中国提供有益启示,因为在中国仍需要保留专利侵权纠纷的行政处理制度,并需要对该制度作出进一步完善。  相似文献   
统筹使用各类编制资源,是新时代机构和行政体制改革的重要方向。本文首先分析了编制分类的内容构成、不同类型编制的管理权限、编制总量控制的政策约束,进而对编制分类管理的效应及带来的问题进行了综合性分析。接着,追踪梳理当前地方统筹使用各类编制的最新探索和创新。在此基础上,从跨类别、跨部门、跨地域、跨层级四个维度,提出编制统筹管理改革的思路和政策建议。  相似文献   
通过立法构建监察官制度是贯彻实施监察法的要求,也是监察官专业化的客观需要。通过监察官法确认监察官专业化的发展目标和基本框架,有利于推进监察官制度的法治化,促进监察官队伍高质量发展。针对中纪委监察官法(草案初稿)关于监察官范围和任职条件的规定,提出以下立法建议:“全员式”进入监察官序列的设计思路值得商榷。监察官属于特殊的监察人员,其范围应小于监察人员。监察人员也不同于监察机关工作人员。适当放宽监察官任职的身份限制。取得法律职业资格虽然不宜作为初任监察官的任职条件之一,但是可在初任监察官考试时享有法律科目的免试或作为未来晋升时的考量因素。  相似文献   

The questioning practices of Canadian lawyers were examined. Courtroom examinations (N?=?91) were coded for the type of utterance, the assumed purpose of the utterance, and the length of utterance. Results showed that approximately one-fifth of all utterances were classified as productive for gathering reliable information (i.e. open-ended, probing); less than one percent of all utterances were open-ended. Direct examinations contained more closed yes/no, probing, and open-ended questions. Cross-examinations contained more leading and clarification questions, and opinions. Moreover, cross- (vs. direct) examinations contained more questions with a ‘challenging the witness’ purpose. The longest utterances were opinions, followed by multiple and forced-choice questions. The longest answers were in response to open-ended questions, followed by multiple and probing questions. Implications for the truth-seeking function of the judiciary are discussed.  相似文献   
刑法对网络安全的保护立场,正由网络运行安全转向网络信息安全。刑事立法更新不断增设网络信息安全专属罪名的同时,刑事司法的定量评价体系却未能一体构建,成为网络安全刑法保护的薄弱环节。当前网络信息安全犯罪的定量评价体系缺乏明确的逻辑主线,同时适用错位的“传统法益侵害程度”量化标准和模糊的“数据规模”新型量化标准,无法满足网络信息安全专属罪名司法适用的准确性和统一性需求,导致了司法适用的困境。消弭规范和技术之间的差异,以“信息规模”为定量评价核心的基础上,建构信息价值的分层评价模型,并将“组信息”作为基础的数据规模计量单位,是大数据时代背景下,突破网络信息安全犯罪司法定量评价困境的合理路径。  相似文献   
APP相关主体规范与否直接关乎数据信息安全,关涉公民合法权益和社会公益。基于个人信息保护的不断发展,APP信息泄露问题逐渐显露出来。本文认为,应结合现有的个人信息保护立法,通过完善APP实名制度,构建APP相关主体备案制度,实施数据信息市场主体准入制度和第三方参与数据收集制度,以加强对个人数据信息的保护。  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of crime scene technicians in the Swedish criminal justice system, and particularly how Swedish crime scene technicians not only examine crime scenes but also facilitate the criminal justice system’s joint production of forensic evidence. It proposes thinking about the criminal justice system as a conglomeration of epistemic cultures, that is, of communities with different ways of producing and understanding forensic evidence. Such a perspective makes it possible to understand interprofessional frictions as epistemic frictions as well as to draw attention to the facilitations, mediations and translations that crime scene technicians perform. This perspective also makes it possible to illuminate how the crime scene technicians’ professionalization – a professionalization from the outside – affects both their future crime scene work and their facilitations.  相似文献   
The increased use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has triggered enormous innovation in the public sector and created positive public value at the managerial, delivery of services, and policy levels. However, these positive outcomes do not automatically accrue simply by adoption of ICTs as public leaders can fail to adopt relevant new ICTs, use them poorly, or use them in ways that actually diminish public value, which raises the question of the importance of e-leadership. This article examines e-leadership and innovation capacity at the individual public manager level and fills in some gaps about the practice and implementation of ICTs in the public sector. We explore eight research questions useful in theorizing about e-leadership, develop constructs of e-leadership, and describe the current development of e-leadership. By comparing e-leadership in two country settings (South Korea and the United States), we also overcome the limitations of the existing Western-oriented studies about innovations in the public sector. In addition to the growth of e-leadership use and requirements for a variety of competencies equivalent to, but separate from, traditional communication competences, we find that national cultures exert significant influence on the major constructs of e-leadership, which implies that an effective e-leadership strategy should consider cultural contexts seriously.  相似文献   
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